Blog Entry 10

I picked this video mostly for the affect that the illustrator used to draw characters from the ground. I am assuming that the illustrator used a shape tween but am wondering if they possibly used a masking aswell. In order to not pull all of the white into that shape the illustrator would have had… Continue reading Blog Entry 10

Blog entry 8

I choice this video to simply enhance my understanding of the Fox walk cycle. Though this is a fox running, I can still apply the motions in a less dramatic way to my own walk cycle. It also goes through the phases of sketch to complete fill in.

Blog entry 7

This entire video is amazing even it comes to morphing, but the part that sick out to me most was when the legs are walking and slowly turn into full body humans. The while scene is smooth, there’s not unnecessary bounces or chopped up movements. I was introduced to this video by a fellow student.

Blog Entry 3


This next clip wasn’t picked for a specific trait or quality as far as digital animation goes, but simply that this film was my introduction to digital animation other than cartoons or anime. Its provocative messages, stretching from adolescent rebellion of music and sub cultures, to larger issues such as war in the middle east, to social political issues like homosexuality. Being able to express the strife of ones life in a culture under such extreme guidelines without using actors or actresses, but instead animated characters, was unique in itself. Though maybe the animation nor the story itself be profound, in the sense that is has been done before, it was the idea of doing it together that separated it from everything that had  come before it. Both entertaining and enlightening, I would highly recommend this film to anyone not just interested in these topics, but to a person who has no prior knowledge or relation.